Despite the bitter cold and dark nights (or perhaps because of it...), love is in the air at the end of this month and into the beginning of February. Wales kicks off the romance with Dydd Santes Dwynwen on 25th January (similar to St Valentine's Day on 14th February). The legend of Santes Dwynwen has various forms, my favourite version is this one:
'Dwynwen fell in love with a prince called Maelon Dafodrill, but unfortunately her father had already arranged that she should marry someone else. Dwynwen was so upset that she could not marry Maelon that she begged God to make her forget him. After falling asleep, Dwynwen was visited by an angel, who appeared carrying a sweet potion designed to erase all memory of Maelon and turn him into a block of ice. God then gave three wishes to Dwynwen. Her first wish was that Maelon be thawed; her second that God meet the hopes and dreams of true lovers; and third, that she should never marry' (borrowed from Wikipedia, other versions are available). Afterwards it's thought 'Dwynwen became a nun, fulfilling her wish to never marry, and left for the island of Anglesey to build a Church'. So, not a hugely cheery story but then St Valentine didn't have a very fun time either (none of the Saints seemed to).
These tales and the annual gift-buying compulsion they prompt is a good reason for some romantic makes. Originally, I planned to celebrate the season by making crocheted jammy dodger brooches with little red hearts in the middle. Feeling pleased with myself I embarked on making a few prototypes. Somehow it turned into a battle of wills between me and the wool which I definitely lost. There are 3 layers to each dodger which need to fit together in the right proportions and the open ring of the top layer somehow made this far more complicated than anticipated and the heart shapes turned out decidedly wonky. After proving frustratingly difficult (I'm sure it's not really that tricky), I gave up to divert my energies onto a more satisfying project.

But, I hear you cry, life is not all soppiness and romance. Indeed not (and would be fairly boring if it were), so next time I'll be introducing my anti-Valentines item, Jack the (needle felted). Love Rat. I just need to finish his tiny top hat...
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