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Showing posts from August, 2014

Fun At The Fringe- Edinburgh Highlights 2014

Surrounding myself with appropriate deckchairs @ Edinburgh Book Festival Life as a self-employed artist is an often precarious existence which constantly feels a bit hand-to-mouth on the financial front. However, what it lacks in stability is more than compensated for on the flexibility & freedom fronts. Seduced by the lure of freewheeling round Edinburgh at the height of festival time, I happily decamped to the Capital, clutching a (very long) shortlist of shows I wanted to see, mentally prepared for spontaneous adventures and with a slightly ridiculous amount of wool & felting supplies (intended for efficient between show crafting). Twenty days of stimulating sights was the intention and despite inevitable days when I just couldn't face the weekend crowds, worried about the impact on my credit card or was too jaded to bother seeing anything, it basically delivered. Shows: Of the 18 shows I managed to see these were the highlights: Underbelly, Richard herring,