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Showing posts from April, 2015

Workshop Wanderings & Charming Collectors

Ann Crompton's garden, Menai Bridge Yesterday I had an afternoon so enjoyable it prompted me to finally rouse myself to writing a new blog post (my previous weekly posting ambitions having gone astray almost immediately). As the last weekend in Anglesey Open Studios approached, I was feeling slightly ashamed of missing this fortnight every year and determined to visit at least somewhere this time! With my knowledgeable arty friend ready to whisper insightful things, we set off over the Menai Bridge to visit Ann Crompton in her idyllic looking workshop right on the banks of the Menai Straits. The workshop proved a treasure trove of intricate, astonishing miniatures with little vignettes ranging from a First World War trench, with rats and actual soil from the garden, to meticulously woven tiny rugs for more traditional dolls houses. Ann Crompton (fab lady) Ann Crompton's Bountiful Workshop Much of the  work is infused with a wit and playfulness, such as a tiny h