Hurrah! Have finally finished the bunny heads so now they look the way I imagined they would. Now they seem very glam with bespoke made shields (MDF as it can be shaped more easily than wood for the shields, so I'm reliably informed) painted in pastel colours. The shields were made by the very lovely John at Ogwen Art & Crafts based in the picturesque Ogwen valley (North West Wales These three- Freddie, Bettina and Millie are now on sale in my Etsy shop The fourth bunny, Rosey, sadly can't be pictured as it turned out pale pink didn't do much for her colouring (she's a soft grey which I imagined would be perfect but that's how much I know) so she's awaiting a hot pink shield (paint to be purchased this week from the extensive range of B&Q mini tester pots, I now have a lot of them!).

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