Crochet Red Squirrel Head |
It's all go at the Lost in the Wood woolly epicentre! I've changed the name by banishing the 'Designs' element to a faraway place. We'll go it alone as Lost in the Wood from now on, a decision prompted by the fact the designs made the name a bit too long and wordy and didn't really add any clarification (indeed it may have been a bit misleading if someone wants me to design a house or fabric I'd literally be quite lost). In a rare show of co-ordination, I'm also launching a new webiste. The last one was essentially this blog with links but thanks to a super clever & patient friend, I've now achieved a proper one! And there was no crying involved which makes the process a hundred times less arduous & upsetting than my past forays into the website world. Wordpress I'm sure you are splendid indeed and fulfill other's website needs but you I think are best for far savvier minds than mine. So here it is- Lost in the Wood
www.lostinthewood.co.uk I'm still tinkering with it but please do browse and I'll keep it regularly updated. Also, I've discovered (well, really my tech-minded hubby has) how to add a subscribe button to this blog so anyone who wishes can sign up to have new blog enteries automatically delivered by email. What a treat! (at least for my mum & husband, bless their loyalty). This blog will now revert back to it's orginal name of
lostinthewooddesigns.blogspot.co.uk which it'll just have to live with. Please note, anyone who has taken business cards recently, if you type in the old website name, there will be an automatic redirect to the new site.
Crochet Red Squirrel 'Woolidermy' Head |
In addition to all this, I've got some lovely new Moo business cards on the way
(really hope I've now successfully negotiated the mysterious differences between screen
& printed photos, all a bit dark & dull last time) and a
To celebrate getting to the mini milestone of over 100 facebook likes,
I'm giving away a handmade mounted crocheted squirrel head. If
you'd like to be in with a chance to give him a new home, go to my FB page www.facebook.com/pages/Lost-in-the-Wood
and share the picture on your timeline/page + write a comment/caption
(or suggest a name!). I'll choose a winner next Tuesday (6th Aug)!
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